Is Your Morning Coffee Making You Buy Stuff You Don’t Need?
Alright, no Prime Time, T Swizzle, or viral memes this week. You can get your fix of those here, here, and here. This week, we are back digging in some real marketing mojo. So,
Alright, no Prime Time, T Swizzle, or viral memes this week. You can get your fix of those here, here, and here. This week, we are back digging in some real marketing mojo. So,
PSA: Heads up, all video examples shown here (songs excluded) are brief but critical to your enjoyment or disdain for this week’s blog. So don’t skip them or you will miss half the fun.
Welcome back! WOW! Just WOW! What a time we are living in! If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Earth has gone off its 23.5-degree tilt and is veering closer to 180 degrees.
When I first started writing what I call my ‘poorly written blog,’ I knew it was going to be tough. It didn’t matter whether I planned to write once a month, once a week,
Howdy! Thanks for stopping in. If you are new here, what took you so long? If you’re back for more – consider this a virtual high-five! Thanks for coming back and please tell everyone
Alrighty, let’s start this week off by jumping in our DeLorean, kicking it up to 88 miles an hour, and heading ‘Back to the Future‘ of 1984. No, not Orwell’s 1984 – though you
I really can’t express how thankful I am for all the conversations around the topic discussed in last week’s blog. If you’re running behind and want to catch up with the ‘cool kids,’ you
We have spent the last few weeks pontificating on the effect that color and smell have on our minds. Some have called this our emotional and rational minds. Others call it our System 1
What smell or smells trigger a visceral reaction for you? You know, a smell that changes your facial expression immediately when you catch a hint of it. Brussels sprouts? Man, do they stink!
Let me start by extending a sincere “Thank You” for all the kind comments on last week’s blog. And I’m not just referring to the one left by my wife in the blog comments.