What does success look like?
I am not sure how or when I first started asking that question. Heck, I am not sure someone didn’t ask me at one point or another and it just stuck. No matter how it came in to my lexicon, it is absolutely my favorite questions to ask people looking for solutions.
It is such a simple question in structure. However, it’s simplicity allows a person to answer it anyway they want. Often those answers aren’t what you expect or what you want to hear, but more often than not, it is exactly what you need to hear.
When you consider the infinite possibilities, whether you are trying to help a friend through a challenge or a client in a business decision, the answer provided should help create alignment in the direction of the desired solution.
Like other problem solving methods, asking “What does success look like?” doesn’t guarantee success. But I have found the alignment and focus it provides is an excellent a road map towards it.
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.